Changing the Region via A Fund

RHL Ventures is a combination of the talents of our core partners and our extended networks and business interests. This allows us to bridge the highest levels of the private and public sector in South East Asia and establish a platform that extends beyond simple network and introductions. As millennials rooted in the region who have worked and flourished overseas, we have returned to share knowledge of global best practices and merge this knowledge with a comprehensive understanding of the local business landscape.

We apply world-class due diligence, transparency, research and risk assessment in the context of emerging markets which allows us to see opportunities others miss; undervalued assets, strong long term growth potential and businesses offering truly relevant innovation.

A key differentiator for RHL is that we view Southeast Asia as a single integrated region – not a patchwork of small and mid-sized nations – but an emerging engine of global growth with over 600 million people and an almost three trillion dollar economic area with its own political intricacy and economic nuances.

Our approach is therefore to partner with people with similar values and backgrounds to navigate through these challenging yet promising emerging markets. Our network and understanding allows us to accurately assess the potential of start-ups and SMEs in this regional context. We provide the expertise, investment and local partners that can drive local success to regional and global levels. Add to that an ability to support each company with patient capital and drive growth via linkages to supply chains, allied businesses, and markets – you have a true start-up accelerator.

Robert Kuok once said – “to understand drivers of economies, we first have to understand politics in the region.” Therefore, we work closely with governments and government agencies to advocate for key policy changes in the hope of creating an environment that will support innovation and growth. By generating such broad synergies, we ensure that our investments thrive in the current ecosystem. Crucially our roots in the region give us a much longer term perspective on our investments – which we term ‘Patient Capital’ – ensuring that our focus isn’t on short-term gains but sustainable growth that will strengthen the broader ecosystem. For us, that is the way we are giving back to the next generation of Southeast Asians.

Beyond financials, the breadth of expertise we channel allows us to evaluate and elevate the firms we invest in. For example – if a firm has developed a method for boosting the productivity of soil we can easily secure the plantations and the experts to conduct a rigorous test.

We channel the engineers, doctors, scientists, students and farmers who will be using technologies, applications and platforms allowing us to assess potential and also generate growth.

What we offer is a truly comprehensive solution from analysis to testing, funding and finding partners and sales channels. We can also structure exits via acquisitions through our network of corporates and the public market. RHL works through every aspect of a firms life cycles spurring growth, driving opportunity.

Fundamentally that is what RHL is about: transforming Southeast Asia into a region full of opportunity.